Tuesday, June 30, 2009

As A Kid...............I am.

School days are the most beautiful,evershining,memorable days in ones life.Its the days with little friends,tiny fightings..My school days where always sweet and beautiful...i cant forget those days and its making a pain in my mind when i realise that those days will not come back...

When i was 3 years old my parents sent me to nursery (Kalary, its the malayalam word, dont know still Kalari es are there in kerala and mostly found in village ,rural area.In kalaries they will provide only the basic step of education,reading and writing,and there is no higher classes for further education). My teacher's home was closer to mine. Our school was some what away from my home and was situated in main road side. so, for the safety and security of we,kids  teacher collected his students from there home .

In those days school buses are only for Kinderg ardens so...i walked daily with my teacher along the sides of that beautiful village roads ...One side was fully covered with green paddy fields...and its the time of rain and they are under cultivation..a small canal was there .... flowing through the corner of  paddy fields ,providing water for the  cultivation in our village .Other side of the road was  huge crowd of rocks....that's one half with green and one half with black...i always wondered the creation of nature.

There was a hill just behind my home .it was one of the tallest hill in our area and there was a cross at the top  . its very beautiful to see the shining of  cross when sunlight falls on it.Prayer is held on every first friday at there.And its a pleasure for we childrens to go at there for praying...but unfortunatly...my age was making a wall for that .it was difficult to climb the rocks to reach....so i have no permission to go.

These greenful environment always carried me through the world of joy and imaginations ........saying something about my teacher...he was very old .may you could imagine age ,when i say, he teached my father too when he was small. i always looked at him with respect .he was always clean shaved ,and handi capped !!!!

His right leg was slightly bend...due to polio . But he was always fast in walking.. and...we  were always trying hard to reach with him..in classroom..he was a good musician too played violine and sanged songs...i..always made fights with my friends for silly reasons.....so i was always under teacher's observation...like a prisoner.....hihiii..our class  was a small room .and in the remaining rooms peoples are staying for rent.... 

The only think intersted in during this nursery days are the feast of childrens those completed there study...  we get enough sweets and foods on that day. And i was always searching for next Feast..Our lunch break was realy pleasurable time .i had a friend,Anish .he was good in study and had a laughing face.  staying for rent with parents..just closer to our class...and me and my friends  intrested to go   there 4 playing with his toys but teacher prevented us.he told that his father is a drunken man and he will beat you. And we always get frightened when saw him on the roadside.

Oneday i found Anish was realy in sad mood ,and felling tears through cheeks.  i asked what happend ,but he replied nothing turned face to some where.I told to my teacher that Anish is crying...teacher asked what happend ....he replied that last day his father beated him and his mom...and throwed and breaked his toys. .and told ,father beated his mother's head with wood .she is suffering from fever and headache.no money and help  to get hospital.Suddenly teacherwent to there room....we too accompanied him.the situation was very pathetic....feel mercy to anyone.the room was scaterd with broken plates,glasses and dishes.we heard some murmerings from the corner,and when looked, that was his mother. she was sleeping  in the floor with a green blanket on the top, suffering from fever and pain.When  saw us,she awaked..even with a great risk she stoodup..i looked at her its just like a skelton, she was very lean and thin.that much her neck bones are visible like a stick.her eyes where in deep ,tears are there but not filling,may emptied,scatterd hair......i looked at her head....searching wound.but cant locate,  only some red fluid is covering her whole face.....

"Mom",Anish called.But she cried looking at him.i think may she cant control her pain...in his presence.when she cried Anish ran to her and hold her legs and cried,cried,cried........

some strong pressure with air started to flow from my heart,may from mind,it reached to my nose and pumped tears through my eyes.i started cry,but only realised after a while.i cant stop my tears,its forcing my eyes...to go out....some sneeze came out .Anish was such a dear friend to me,his pain is mine,then how can i stop my mind????

i look to the surrounding all my friends are in sad mood even they are kids.

I looked at my teacher,his eyes where searching for something and hooked in apiece of clothe,it was a cotton shwall of Churidhar....and pulled it out .gave it to her mother and told to tie up  the wound.

Then he ruched to the door and went outside...after a while some neighbours came .they called an auto...went to hospital...my teacher accompanied them.After some time my teacher reached .and told "todays class is over....."

some of my friends laughed with happy....But he told with smooth words " Dont laugh at this time when your friend's mom is in hospital"....every one become silent....and packed to home...

After somedays i heard Anish's  mom discharged from hospital and went to there brother's home..... 

The Story Ends Here......then and till i never met him in my life ....hope  he is fine now................

In the  evening i walked  back to home..along the sides of canal and paddy ... in summer its in golden.childrens  playing cricket there.canal was dried and   covered with bushes and grass.looking at  the distance  my mother was waiting there....

 i cant recollect ...muchmore things now...only a black shield beyond there.....any way....i was not much intrested in nursery classes...

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